Ice crystal | wearing striped shirt are eye-catching


We are bound by the rules and regulations, certainly do not want to make clothing as our fetters. However, it was a surprise that the stripe Shirt, which looked bright and full of regularity, had never been eliminated by the cruel fashion and has always been loved by the public. Why is this? That is because striped shirt is doing fine-tuning and innovation all the time!


For example, based on the casual sense of the bottoming shirt, and now also started to the sexy direction, V collar design will be charming clavicle lines exposed in the layout is also more inclined to fit type, so a thin invincible Vertical striped shirt, with a black skirt to very good. Which is a headache to do a woman thing, obviously how to wear a beautiful thing!

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Striped charm is that it is good to wear and ride, do not pick the body does not pick people. Of course, modern fashion you naturally start from the basics of a single product. This short-sleeved shirt, horizontal stripes and vertical stripes appear on the same screen, a showdown, with lovely doll collar design, so ingenious design, will let you spike the public, so you are eye-catching.

Photo credit: ice cream

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