How to find suitable for your shop style of the display of goods


Fashion does not exclude nostalgia, on the contrary, as long as the new form, personality, nostalgia can lead the fashion. Want to display the entire system to make a personality, we must first select a unique and creative theme. Here are some common topics for reference. Next, together with Xiaobian look at the details of the information.


1. Four seasons to the wind: Each season has a distinctive characteristics, seasonal clothing, the store in the display, the layout reflects the characteristics of the season, people can have a new look. When the season is also when many people need to buy a new season of clothing, the seasonal theme of the exhibition can effectively spread the newly installed information, make people at a glance.

2. Holiday Festival: Festival makes people feel relaxed and happy, shopping is a great holiday in the people's way of celebration. At this time the shop should also reflect the festive atmosphere, so that people experience the joy of holidays.

3. Green: "Environmental protection" has become today's fashion topic. People play a variety of ideas in advocating environmental protection and environmental protection. The theme of environmentally friendly design stores, shops can support the environmental protection orientation, but also play a unique creative.

4. National Feelings: The art of ethnic characteristics has an enduring charm, which gives people an aesthetic enjoyment due to its artistic nature and gives a sense of intimacy due to its national character. Today's people are getting more and more aware of the idea that "nationality is the world's," so ethnic feelings can also be a fashionable theme.

5. Exotic: the primitive tribes of Africa, ancient Arab legends, splendid culture of the European continent ... exotic because of its long and gives a lot of reverie. This theme design also has a lot of creative space, you can create a unique style, giving a fresh look.


6. Magic World: Magic World is full of imagination in the world, give people a unique style, fashion sense of avant-garde, many young people like the style. If the dress for the store to apply this style, then the theme design will be very fresh and attractive.

7. Old days: nostalgic people is a group. People often experience warmth, excitement and sadness over the passage of time in their dreams of the past. Nostalgia can increase the sense of heavy life. Fashion does not exclude nostalgia, on the contrary, as long as the new form, personality, nostalgia can lead the fashion. Such a theme design can arouse the customers memories of the past, resulting in a kind of intimacy.


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